
ACOLYTES and CRUCIFERS If you are interested in being an acolyte or crucifer for a morning service, contact the church office.

ALTAR GUILD A volunteer group of the parish whose ministry is to care for the altar, vestments, vessels, and altar linens of the parish. Altar Guild members prepare the sanctuary for the liturgy of the day or hour.

FLOWER GUILD A volunteer group of the parish whose ministry is to adorn the altar and nave with flowers for weekly worship, festival occasions, and pastoral offices including Holy Baptism, Christian Marriage, and Burial.

USHERS  are needed for all Sunday services.

LAY EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS  provide an important ministry to those who cannot, for whatever reason, manage to come to church.

LECTORS/CHALICE BEARERS For each service there are lectors who read passages Old Testament and New Testament appointed for that particular Sunday, and each service has a chalice bearer to help with communion.

If you are interested in joining any of the above groups, please fill out the form below and Liz Stewart will be happy to get you in touch with the right person. Thank you for your time and talent.

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