All Saints will once again be hosting our Family Promise guests this fall!  Our next hosting period will be October 20 – November 3.

Through Family Promise, All Saints partners with other local churches to provide temporary housing for parents and their children. Thanks to your ministry, families can stay together during challenging times while parents gain access to essential skills and services.

All Saints hosts four families two times per year for two weeks.  These families are in transition for housing and Family Promise helps to find them an apartment or rental home in the 3 months that they are in the program.  While with us they stay in the Glennon House overnight, going to work and school during the day.

We’re seeking volunteers to assist with meal preparation, shopping, laundry, setting up and cleaning up the rooms. Volunteers are also needed for hosting for weekends, evenings, and overnight stays.

For more information contact Ginger Van Valkenburgh at 407-222-5638 or Pat Robertson at 407-256-4141.

To learn more about Family Promise, visit their website at

Family Promise

Family Promise

Family Promise of Greater Orlando helps homeless families achieve sustainable housing and self-sufficiency as quickly as possible.

Learn More

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