Every kid needs someone who doesn’t see them as an interruption, but as an appointment.”  

- Dharius Daniels

When it comes to the spiritual formation of our children, we have the end in mind – like your daughter’s high school graduation or your son’s second job or their wedding day, or the kind of grandmother they might grow up to be. Don’t worry. We are not trying to fast-forward anything. We will take it slow. But when we imagine the end with you, it helps us focus our energy and efforts on the content and experiences that will make a lasting impact.

Follow us on Instagram @AllSaintsChildrensMinistry to stay up to date on all our events.



All Saints Kids starts on Sunday mornings at 9:00 AM in the Thomas Center for songs of praise and worship and Bible discovery. We are excited about our new Zines from StorymakersNYC.

Please register your children by clicking the link below so we’ll be sure to have supplies ready. Children age 4 through 5th grade are invited. We can’t wait to get started! 

More fun and Bible discovery are to be had in Sunday School at 10:15 am.

If you’ll trust the wisdom of the sabbath and our Sunday school, your children's faith will be nurtured in a fun, lively environment at All Saints Kids. 


One of the two Sacraments, Holy Baptism is full initiation by water and the Holy Spirit into Christ’s Body the Church. The bond which God establishes in Baptism is indissoluble.

Does baptism save you or your child? Yes, in that it points to something external, something outside your emotional, physical, psychological, and spiritual well-being which ultimately, finally determines your health and salvation, and that of your family, and your children. That is, it points to what Christ did at Golgotha to save the world, including you and your family (1 Peter 3.13-22). That said, the opportunity for infants and young children to grow up in the knowledge and love of the Lord Jesus, that is to become decided Christians, abound at All Saints.

We can schedule your baptism or that of your child at any time, especially in these days of the novel coronavirus.

We offer baptism on Sunday mornings four times a year during our 9:00 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. Sunday services. The dates of Baptism on Sunday mornings are the Sunday after All Saints Day (the first Sunday in November), Epiphany (usually the second Sunday in January); the Sunday after Easter Sunday; and Pentecost (usually in June). We also offer baptism at the Great Vigil of Easter (Saturday night before Easter Day).

Call our Rector’s assistant Liz Stewart today at (407) 647-3413. Fr. Stuart or another member of our clergy will be delighted to prepare you or your children for Baptism right away.

We are all in. When infants or young children are baptized, their parents and godparents make promises on their behalf. So does the entire All Saints Family.


Discovery Eucharist

Instruction about the meaning of Communion takes place at various points throughout our Sunday School curriculum. We’ll discuss the nature of the sacrament, the miracle that happens, and why this is such a special time with God. Sign up today by clicking the link below.

Children's Chapel - 9 AM Service

We provide our little saints with a worship environment that is positive and nurturing so that they discover God’s Presence in Scripture and Sacrament.  We call this Children’s Chapel and it is a Sunday morning worship experience for children 4 to 8 years old held in the Alleluia Chapel located in the Cotten Education Center.


We gather with our family in the 9 am service. Right before the Gospel procession, children from 4 to 8 years old follow our children’s minister and chapel leaders to the Alleluia Chapel. Our children participate in a children’s Liturgy of the Word, help prepare the altar, listen to a Bible story, recite a children’s creed, offer prayers, and sing songs of praise.  They return to the service at the time of the Peace and rejoin their parent(s) for the Eucharist.

Small Saints Nursery

Our childcare center is a special place where children are welcomed warmly, nurtured, and taught about the love of God through songs, stories, and play. Parents who would like to gather at our Lord’s Table to receive Holy Communion as a family is invited to pick their children up in the nursery after the Peace. Childcare is open every Sunday from 9:45-12:15.

  • Infants – Room 101

  • Toddlers– Room 102

  • Preschoolers- 107

Finally, all our staff and volunteers who work with children undergo a background check and are certified by the Episcopal Church’s Safeguarding God's Children Program.

Get to know our younger saints and add a whole lot of joy to your life! Sign up with our Family Minister Dolly Dunnam to be a part of our ministry with children today! You can welcome children to All Saints on Sunday mornings, lead a huddled group, or serve on the Discovery Eucharist Altar Guild. There are many ways to be part of one beautiful phase after the next in our children’s lives as they discover the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Ask anyone who has done this before - it will keep you young and be the very highlight of your week! Want to know more? Contact Dolly by clicking here.

Children's Lent Series

Treasures of The Heart By StorymakersNYC, Alleluia Chapel, and other videos